Wayfinders Cafe with Litzy Baeza: Tapping into Cross-Cultural Intelligence in these Global Times

Wayfinders Cafe with Litzy Baeza: Tapping into Cross-Cultural Intelligence in these Global Times


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Type

Tapping into Cross-Cultural Intelligence in these Global Times

It is becoming increasingly important during these changing times to possess Cultural Intelligence skills.
Cultural Intelligence has mostly been referenced as a skill for those traveling abroad or working with
global business units. However, recent events have shown that our need for this skill is closer to home
than we may realize. Cultural Intelligence focuses on developing key skill sets that will help individuals
effectively work in a variety of culturally diverse contexts. Learn about what it means to be a Culturally
Intelligent individual and how these skills can help you in any context.

Litzy Baeza is a Cross-Cultural/Intercultural/Diversity & Inclusion Consultant. She has worked in the
International Education field for the past 15 years living and working abroad allowing an in-depth look of
how different cultures communicate. She facilitates workshops full-time and teaches an online course
for college students on the topic of Cross-Cultural Intelligence.

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