The Wayfinders Chapter Manual

The Wayfinders Chapter Manual

Wayfinders supports local Chapters based on location, industry or business interests. Any Wayfinders Member is entitled to initiate a Chapter that meets Wayfinders guidelines. Chapters are designed to serve local business and economic purposes. There may be other ways to initiate clubs that are not oriented toward business or economics.

We provide a manual here for instruction on how to start and manage a local Chapter. Members of local Chapters must be Members of Wayfinders Business Co-operative. There is provision for a probationary period for prospective Members.

The Purpose-Driven Club

All successful organizations depend on a clear purpose and a clear sense of purpose. That is, the organization has to have a shared set of values, goals, priorities and strategies. Any successful club will have strong mission and vision statements along with a statement of values.

Finding Founders and Members

Local Chapters are clubs for Members of Wayfinders Business Co-operative. Therefore, the Chapter Founders, as well as new Chapter Members will be found among the Member director and profiles. Founders tend to be initiators who enjoy the challenge of building something. They may be “connectors” who know a lot of people and know what their talents and interests.

Local Governance

Local Chapters are governed by a committee elected from that local Chapter Membership. As a co-operative, the Chapter is governed by the seven principles of all co-ops. As a Chapter of Wayfinders Business Co-operative, the local Chapters are governed by the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Wayfinders Business Co-operative.

What this means is that the Local Chapter has some constraints on what it can do.


Communication is what makes all civilization possible. There is not substitute for live face-to-face meetings where people can make full use of their social instincts. Regular updates can be completed using internal messaging, newsletters, discussion forums and videoconferencing.

Events Management

Local Chapters can organize and facilitate events such as business networking, seminars and webinars, and conferences. They can use the platform tools to plan, promote, register participants, co-ordinate event activities and gather feedback.

Member Profiles

Member profiles include membership in local Chapters. Here you will find all Chapters to which a Wayfinders Member belongs. You will be able to view a full directory and search for your local Chapter Members profiles.

Using the Platform

The Wayfinders platform scales with your organization. The platform tools that you use to run your business are available to run a local Chapter or other group to which you belong.
You can set up and use shared calendars, Member directory and profiles, discussion forums, document sharing, and project management tools. Other tools may be applicable as well. A management console will be established for the Chapter.

Club Facilities

Local Chapters can choose to acquire facilities through rental agreements or ownership. Such facilities might include a club meeting space, co-working space, maker-space, collective kitchen or other facilities that advance the success of local Members.