Co-op Volume Pricing and Cost Saving

As a co-op Wayfinders is able to provide volume discounts to its Members. This begins with the Members themselves. We encourage all Members to offer a discount on sales of goods and services to other Members. We suggest a 10% discount.

As our total Membership grows we should be able to offer greater discounts on small business essentials such as business insurance, group health care insurance, bridge financing, office supplies and other items. By working together we can achieve volumes that bring the prices down compared to what you would have to pay on your own.

Reduce Transaction Costs: Transaction costs are the costs associated with finding your next customers and suppliers. It includes your costs of advertising and promotions as well as the time spent networking and assessing suppliers. If you find a loyal customer or supplier you will reduce this cost. Repeat customers, referrals and recommendations are highly valued because they reduce your transaction costs. As a co-op, Wayfinders is a community of trust. This means that you should be able to trust other Members as customers and suppliers, build longer-term relationships, and thereby reduce “transaction costs”. We are trying to set up and improve our customer feedback and rating systems so you know who you are dealing with.

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