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Meetup Monday

Meetup Monday, November 19th

Ricky’s All Day Grill

Jasper Avenue and 109 Street

6 PM to 7:30 PM

Lots of free parking space

What happens:

  • Updates
  • Sharing
  • Networking
  • Learning

We want to know what you want from a business co-operative:

  • Collective buying power
  • Online services – blogs, communities of practice
  • Cloud file storage, project management and collaboration
  • Online commerce platform
  • Software as a Service
  • Live Face to Face Local Chapter Clubs
  • Democratic governance

How important are these to you?

What are we missing?

More on Meetup and to register:

Introducing Wayfinders Business Co-operative for the small businesss community

Monday, Nov 19, 2018, 6:00 PM

Ricky’s All Day Grill
10140 109th St, Edmonton Edmonton, al

6 Members Went

We’ll quickly tell you about Wayfinders Business Co-operative and its benefits for the self-employed, entrepreneurs and freelancers — and we’ll ask you how we can serve you. We are an early stage small business community that will operate like an ecosystem. Owned and operated by its members, Wayfinders is building a web platform of software servic…

Check out this Meetup →

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Journey to Success: Women in Business with Arti Mittal

Journey to Success: Women in Business

Arti Mittal

Nov. 16, 2018, 10:00 to 12:00 noon at The Business Link, Suite #500, 10150-100 St.

Downtown Edmonton – admission $5.00 donation.

Join us for an engaging conversation with Arti Mittal, owner of Lola’s Fashions. Loala’s Fashions is a unique, one of a kind boutique in Edmonton excelling in superb customer service and treating our fashionistas like real divas. Arti loves fashion and worked in a number of retail stores before opening her own.

CHALLENGES | After immigrating to Canada over 30 years ago, Arti’s hard work, dedication, perseverance and visionary commitment as an entrepreneur have been essential elements for her professional pathways to success. She will share with us her tips, pointers and solid advise not only for women entrepreneurs but for men as well, no matter where you come from.

Please RSVP by Nov. 15, 2018 to: (or) Tel: 780.474.6058. SPONSORED by: Wayfinders Business Cooperative©

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Must Read: How the Enlightenment Ends

How the Enlightenment Ends

From The Atlantic

Philosophically, intellectually—in every way—human society is unprepared for the rise of artificial intelligence.
Henry A. Kissinger
Three years ago, at a conference on transatlantic issues, the subject of artificial intelligence appeared on the agenda. I was on the verge of skipping that session—it lay outside my usual concerns—but the beginning of the presentation held me in my seat.
The speaker described the workings of a computer program that would soon challenge international champions in the game Go. I was amazed that a computer could master Go, which is more complex than chess. In it, each player deploys 180 or 181 pieces (depending on which color he or she chooses), placed alternately on an initially empty board; victory goes to the side that, by making better strategic decisions, immobilizes his or her opponent by more effectively controlling territory…… As I listened to the speaker celebrate this technical progress, my experience as a historian and occasional practicing statesman gave me pause. What would be the impact on history of self-learning machines—machines that acquired knowledge by processes particular to themselves, and applied that knowledge to ends for which there may be no category of human understanding? Would these machines learn to communicate with one another? How would choices be made among emerging options? Was it possible that human history might go the way of the Incas, faced with a Spanish culture incomprehensible and even awe-inspiring to them? Were we at the edge of a new phase of human history? …

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Talk about Agile and Organic Action!

Life is full!

How do we make time to make progress against those things that are not urgent but potentially extremely important for all of us?

As the pace of life accelerates we find ourselves ever-more deeply entrenched in routines punctuated with more frequent distractions.  Attention spans are shrinking.  The scope of strategic perspectives is narrowing. I don’t know… maybe its just me?

So how do we get into a meaningful conversation about the big issues like the ethical questions surrounding AI?

Those of us who enjoy trying to wrap our heads around such issues often struggle to find time with other patient thinkers to sort out the many complicated ins and out of these emerging issues. If you don’t make much progress it gets discouraging.

A subject like the civil impacts of AI are linked to not only the accelerating pace of disruptive technology that is AI in its many manifestations, but also simultaneously emerging technologies of blockchain, the internet of things, and the cloud, not to mention the continuous creep of well established software into all aspects of the modern workplace.

But add to this the complexities of the economy (is it the knowledge economy, sharing economy, the gig economy?) The whole idea of automation is to displace human labour and or improve on it. And add to this the politics of economics – who is going to acquire power by owning AI? Will power and influence be evenly distributed? Will large AI-based companies get an early advantage and concentrate control over wider public access to AI? AI has the potential to scale quickly and easily.

Add to this the social and cultural aspects of modern life. Are kids growing up exposed to a healthy variety of life experiences? Will they grow up and into healthy relationships? Who decides how much exposure to video games and social media is good or bad? We don’t even have consistent reliable data for longitudinal analysis.

Enter the Conversation

Much has been said lately about the advantages of a cluster of smart methods, such as lean management, agile project management, rapid prototyping and so on. What can we learn from these methods to help us start a conversation on big complex issues like AI and its implications?

Many people lament the loss of traditional friendship and community. Some people may have missed the departure while others may still be clinging to it faithfully. Some have managed to avoid the trappings of social media but are like outcasts, luddites, living in the past. I hope our social instincts can still carry us to a revival.

Each new technology, fad or fashion, has its cycle yet also leaves a legacy. Over the past 25 years of the web our society has changed dramatically in some ways. Social media and the pace of disruptive technologies in general have fundamentally altered the civil cadence. Even prominent authors admit they no longer read much. As their brains have been tapped out on textual information they now prefer video and audio productions.

When I first invited people to participate in an open forum, I was thinking about something more formal than conversation, such as a systems and design workshop. The subject matter of AI and its ethical implications is intense and complex and it would demand some serious methodologies to wrestle with them and to pin down the issues.

Then I talked with Ken Chapman over drink’s at Perry’s Seance (Chateau Louis Friday PM).  He said we should take a more casual approach at first and let it evolve. I was reminded of the agile, lean and prototyping approaches to new product innovation. It made a lot of sense. Much has been done on strategic, systems and design thinking, but this approach is more like a collaboration method. It builds team conversation capacity.

A few years ago we had a fad variously called “philosopher’s cafes” or “conversation cafes“. We now have the “un-conference“. What is happening may be a bite-sizing of conversations. Can we start a simple conversation on weighty issues by simply setting a time and place and a topic? I think so. In fact, I am thinking it has to start there.

There is something compelling about starting with something as natural as a conversation over coffee.  Are there rules? Probably, but simple ones that make intuitive sense. Is there a goal? Yes, but a general one. We don’t necessarily have, or need to start with a clear and distinct idea of where the conversation will lead. Will it make a difference? If people who participate feel they have a better sense of how the issues play out then that may be enough. Other people may be emboldened to strive for more than mere understanding.


Where can this go?  We can explore and pivot, bring many backgrounds to the game, and see what happens with as little effort as a conversation takes. How can we lose? Stay tuned for next steps as you and others add your thoughts to this forum. I think we will be seeing each other in person soon.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.“

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The race is on. “The future of work” is but one dimension…

Reposted from Perry Kinkaide

The race is on. “The future of work” is but one dimension of any discussion of the impact of AI as a positive and/or negative force on everything, everywhere now and into the future. Parallels in history are the advent of anything that advanced knowledge and it’s spread from the alphabet to the printing press from political to educational institutions, from the wheel to the computer, from the advent of money to the creation of the internet.
At a recent seance #1-2018, we discussed “triage”, the design of an algorithm for deciding how to decide winning and losing in an accident. Various scenarios were considered and each surfaced a different set of ethics.
An over-riding assumption was that the driver – an AI agent, had access to all knowledge and the entire environment including the history of any other agents or people involved. It would for example be able to triage what/who to save and may therefore be able to mitigate the loss of any preprogrammed value(s).

First, some argued that AI agents would never have an accident. The counter was that in our universe, there is always some element of uncertainty. Therefore, no AI agent could ever argue or should ever argue that “certainty” is guaranteed; while striving to “do no harm” to humans, accidents will happen. Triage is a scenario where a decision has to be made between conflicting options.One scenario pitted AI agents in conflict with one another. Winning was the default; dominance the over-riding consideration. This was rejected as valuing size, strength, smarts, and even wealth, leading to road rage and escalated violence.

As for minimizing costs or lives lost, scenarios were envisioned that dismissed these as “default” values. Does the child or the Nobel prize winner get saved, the bus or the cyclist, the AI agent or the pedestrian, the entrepreneur or the musician?

One intriguing – but also rejected default, was to program the agent to maneuver in such a way as to learn the most. This option emerged when it was posed that the AI agent be programmed to decide on it’s own, that is, for it to derive a value set that it respects that may or may not at the time be perceived by humans as good, just or rational.

The AI agent over time would learn to avoid an accident regardless of it’s impact. “Learning” as a process would be the default; any annomolies would be justified and tolerated as contributing to a better future.

Other options were: 1. to allow the public to adjuducate or 2. designate and appeal to a  “god AI – the supreme agent, to resolve a conflict. Each was rejected as avoiding the question of how to decide.

Another was to “avoid risk” at a predetermined level. This was viewed as irrelevant to the discussion, as a condition of the discussion was how to act in a situation of triage, where an accident was anticipated or had occured and a choice was required.
Ultimately – and there was no consensus, the most ethical option was to let the accident occur and “learn” what had occured, thereby minimizing a future occurance. This option was valued as in the “public” interest meaning, the default was that public not private interests prevailed.

An interesting observation is that the value of  “public” interests varied by culture as reflected in say autocratic vs democratic regimes. Some argued that strict adherence to public interests would ultimately suppress and contain personal initiative and innovation that was in conflict with public interests. They  argued that the foundation of democracy was to mediate and value as equal public and private interests. The algorithm should have no inherent bias one way or the other.

How AI develops in China and the US may differ widely; but the race is on. The development of AI may forment conflict between public/social and private/personal interests inside and between cultures.

Looking ahead, as the public/private conflict rages interests ofvthe AI agent may emerge that over-ride both public and private interests. That is, people would be trumped by an AI agent(s). Over time independent AI agents would elect to organize for protecting their individual and collective interests. The form of that “organization” can only be imagined but they would have the history of mankind to draw on for shortening their journey to wherever.

The exercise revealed a great deal about ethics and values, public and private conflict.

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How to Create Collective Intelligence

Among many other thoughts on AI and its civil impacts, I believe we have to master our natural collective (civil or organizational) intelligence if we are going to manage AI and other complex issues in the mid to long term. We can see a couple of steps are involved.

The first step on this road is to become aware of our existing collective intelligence. We are in fact embedded in human collective intelligence, but it takes a bit of reflection to become fully aware of this and to understand how it works. Most of the time we take it for granted. When it fails we usually just start arguing and pointing fingers of blame. There is more to it.

The second step will be to practice the improvement of collective intelligence in group activities such as facilitated workshops like systems and design thinking or strategic foresight. Then it will demand some effort to master its optimization in groups, organizations and communities.

Below is a link to an article from Evonomics concerning collective intelligence and how to support it.  I don’t agree with everything put forth but there is much value in the discussion regardless. This is an important newly emerging discipline that draws on evolutionary biology, psychology, behavioural economics, anthropology and more.

” As soon as we associate “mind” with “unit of selection”, then the possibility of human group minds leaps into view. It is becoming widely accepted that our distant ancestors found ways to suppress disruptive self-serving behaviors within their groups, so that cooperating as a group became the primary evolutionary force.“…

The question that animated me was a version of this: why do some nations, cities, organisations manage to thrive and adapt while others don’t, even though they appear to be endowed with superior intellectual resources or technologies?  Why did some of the organizations that had invested the most in intelligence of all kinds – from firms like Lehmann Brothers to the USSR in the 1980s – fail to spot big facts in the world around them and so stumble? ” – Geoff Mulgan




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AMANDA KNIGHT: Leadership in the 21st Century and the Role of Women


Leadership in the 21st Century and the Role of Women

Friday October 26, 2018

As change unfolds rapidly within our local, national & international economies, so do shifts in gender roles, power, influence and decision-making. In the mix, women of all backgrounds, professions & stations in life, are asking – where do we fit in the “new economy?” Join us for an engaging conversation on these stirring issues.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses, closeup and outdoor


Amanda Knight is passionate about creating great workplace cultures by helping leaders recognize that leadership is a privilege, not a right, and that non-judgment is the new leadership capability essential for limiting bias and for encouraging inclusion.

Location: Orange Room at The Business Link, Suite #500, 10150 – 100 St. | Time: 10:00 am. – 12:00 noon | Admission: a $5.00 donation is welcomed.

RSVP by October 24 to: or 780.474.6058.

Or complete and submit the following:

How many will attend?(required)

TALK SPONSORED by: Wayfinders Business Cooperative


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Wayfinding in the Smart Gig Open Ecosystem

Wayfinding in the Smart-Gig-Open-Ecosystem

You want to find a meaningful happiness. Though we have come to think of ourselves as consumers, we actually make a living and get our sense of self primarily from the value we generate for others. How we apply our strengths to generate value has changed dramatically over the years. Now four important emerging conditions are changing our world at an incredibly accelerating pace:

  1. Automation of work and exponential platforms
  2. Scaling operations and outsourcing of labour
  3. Monopoly versus open-source digital economics
  4. Diversification and integration or polarization

Each of these trends poses both threats and opportunities for self-employed workers and small businesses. As with all scenarios, whether you see opportunities or threats is a matter of perspective and attitude. When the pace of change is accelerating we need to be proportionately better at strategic planning if we are to continue finding the best way forward.

Just 150 years ago most people lived off the land, mostly doing family-scale farming. Farmers were independent business people, essentially buying, selling and trading produce as their forebears had for countless generations. Things changed. First it was the global transport economy, then manufacturing and service economies, then the knowledge and information economies, and then the sharing economy.

Now economists talk of four critical components of the emerging economy. The economy is morphing into something different: 1) reaching a tipping point of automation, sometimes called the Forth Industrial Revolution[1]; 2) organizations are scaling operations with more people doing short term contract work, or gigs, 3) while a small handful of near monopolies emerge we have an abundance of open-source resources; and 4) businesses are figuring out how to integrate diversity for new value generation by participating in patterns of relationships that closely resemble ecosystems.

So now it’s the ‘smart gig open ecosystem’ economy. At its best the smart gig open ecosystem will offer a highly agile, innovative and efficient way of organizing human work. It will leverage synergies from personal, organizational and artificial intelligence in ways that optimize overall value generation. It will bring ‘talent to task‘ for as long as it takes to get a job done and no longer. It will link people together in networks of value generation. At its worst, if not carefully managed, the smart gig ecosystem will push many people beyond their comfort zones and possibly beyond their safety zones.

We really should look at the bigger picture to see how these aspects of the emerging economy interact and build on prior economic progress. Behind the rapid acceleration of economic change is the introduction of innovative management and technology platforms that facilitate expanding economies of scale. You can see a longer term pattern emerging and maybe we can figure out where the economy is going. Most importantly, we’ll see how to strategically position yourself for advantage.

How Did We Get Here? – Economic Progress to 2000

Starting about 150 years ago discoveries in fuel and the invention of engines changed the shipping industry making a global economy possible. This gradually opened massive global market demand for more imported goods. Air flight later accelerated its growth. At the same time, tractors with fuelled engines made farming more efficient so farms got larger, eventually becoming the big businesses they are today. Early surplus farm labour moved to the manufacturing opportunities in the urban centres.  Cheap labour fed rapid growth in the manufacturing industry. People earned wages and spent much of it on consumer items.

Then management science and automation of manufacturing made more mass production possible, resulting in fewer workers and lower costs for consumers. Mass production and massive global markets combined synergistically to super-accelerate economic growth. Then public stock markets opened up to finance still larger shipping and manufacturing ventures, adding fuel to the fiery economy.

Statistics Canada finds that between November 2015 and October 2016, 9.5 percent of people 18 and over living in Canada participated in the “sharing economy,” as users or workers (Statistics Canada, 2017) … one estimate for the United States suggests that 50 percent of the US workforce will be contractors working through digital platforms by 2020 (Carlton, Korberg, Pike, & Seldon, 2017)

You can deliver around the world products made in highly efficient large scale plants. How, then, do you get people to buy products when they are accustomed to making their own things down on the farm? Mass communications technologies like radio, TV and later, the web, made mass marketing possible.

Mass marketing promoted interest in new breakfast cereal in a box, washing machines and cars. This added to the acceleration started with massive global markets and mass production. The giant economies of scale meant that each unit produced would cost less to make. The cost of purchasing, installing and operating a giant machine is paid off with each unit produced. Therefore it makes sense to invest in large capital-intensive manufacturing facilities. It would also take fewer jobs to produce the same output of goods.  The 20th Century economy was exploding!

By mid 20th Century, people were getting better educated. They were learning trades and professions that their parents had never heard of. Indeed, many careers had not existed previously. A growing number of these were service occupations rather than manufacturing jobs. They included more managers, accountants, lawyers, engineers, medical professionals, but also more teachers, secretaries, drivers and retail clerks. Rather than manual skills, each new occupation had a domain of specialized information and knowledge. When computers emerged in the later 1950s we had occupations like programmers and systems analysts. While it was called a service economy at the time, this was actually the beginning of the knowledge economy. A greater portion of people in the developed world made a living reselling the value of their specialized knowledge. Many became consultants.

The so-called information economy began as information became freely available on the web. The truth is, of course, the economy has always been based on information and knowledge. The designs of goods are made of knowledge by knowledge of processes. Farmers’ wisdom made food. Even nature foods are acquired by hunting and gathering skills.

As for the world of finance, in the 1993 book The End of Capitalism, author and management guru Peter Drucker said that the old style capitalist was being replaced by mutual and pension funds owned by ordinary working people. A growing portion of all economic wealth is tied up in these funds. Investment decisions are being made, not by tycoons and entrepreneurial mavericks, but by investment analysts using management science, predictive analytics and mathematical models.  Similarly, venture capitalists generally do not just invest their own funds but the funds of wealthy individuals and they use very advanced investment management tools.

“42 percent of the Canadian labour force is at a high risk of being affected by automation within the next 10 to 20 years… We also discovered that there will likely be major job restructuring as a result of new technology. Using a different methodology, we found that nearly 42 percent of the tasks that Canadians are currently paid to do can be automated using existing technology.

— Brookfield Institute

Maybe getting super rich isn’t about working harder, as the super rich will plead, and maybe not so much about greed, as the rest of us claim. Maybe getting rich today is more about working smarter (and the luck of being in the right place at the right time). That means making better use of personal, organizational and artificial intelligence. Overall, its about thinking of management practice as a science as well as an art. Moreover, we are all essentially management decision makers.

Smart methods used in management science[2] have been around since before the 1950s for optimization of manufacturing processes. If a single team of developers creates a new assembly line method or technology it will have several net benefits. It is likely to reduce risks, waste, labour costs and consumer prices, while improving product quality as well as the competitive position of the companies that adopt it. Competitors are then at a disadvantage so they too must adopt or die. Consumers don’t complain[3]. Workers are either retired, retrained for other tasks and jobs or laid off.  But around 2000 things began to change dramatically.

What Happens Beyond 2000?

Like a double helix, technology and the economy, fueled by venture capital, grew at an accelerating rate through the 20th Century, proving that success breeds success. The tech bubble of the late 1990s didn’t stop investment and didn’t stop progress. Now, in less than two decades since, new information technology platforms on the web have been dramatically changing the way people live and work. There are three direct impacts to the world of work to pay attention to. Again, the Forth Industrial Revolution, the gig economy and the business ecosystem.

The invention of the web had been slowly incremental over at least two decades prior to 1993. Experts knew it would take off sooner or later. HTTP and HTML protocols made the difference, followed soon by data compression algorithms. Once people got a graphical interface and pictures everyone knew some very interesting applications would emerge. A lot of money was invested and lost on picking winners. We didn’t yet fully understand the power of multi-sided platforms and network effects.

Since 2000 we have seen the super-exponential growth of unicorn companies capitalizing on network effects on multi-sided platforms. These include companies such as Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Google, eHarmony and LinkedIn. Users are the content providers so the value of joining grows as more people join. The network effect appears to have no top end for economies of scale! Bigger is always better. It is a positive feedback loop. Unlike commodities with a limited supply, and costs of manufacturing, these platforms need relatively little capital investment and have a minuscule cost of adding new members. Hence the unicorns — and accidental billionaires! Their revenue models depend on sales of advertizing space targeting users. Once the pump is primed its easy to make untold fortunes.

The Forth Industrial Revolution

Some people divide the world’s economic progress into three industrial revolutions – agriculture, manufacturing and services. Others start with manufacturing, ignoring that agriculture has always been an industry. These kinds of models are convenient, but they don’t tell the whole story. However, if we follow this line of reasoning, the so-called Forth Industrial Revolution is all about the displacement of tasks and jobs by process automation, smart machines and robots. It includes applications of AI, Machine Learning (ML), Data Analytics, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), blockchain, 3D printing, cloud computing, the internet of things (IoT), quantum computing and, of course, any combination of these.

Artificial intelligence is the most important breakthrough in the history of our planet. At our essence, humans are evolved thinking things, goal seeking problem-solvers. Now we invent a machine that thinks better and faster than we do. That’s great if they are our servants. It’s not so great if some people control AI and others don’t. Remember, the diversity in human nature means we need only a selfish few to make life difficult for the others. The open-source economy is the ‘alternative economy’[4]. The open-source world is organically wiring a global brain with experimental tool kits.

Automation of business processes and use of management science to date have already displaced millions of workers and driven competing businesses into bankruptcy. New jobs are created but the rate of new job creation doesn’t necessarily match the rate of job losses[5]. Higher unemployment then makes wages lower making it more attractive for new industries to hire smart labour to do things machines still cannot do. It is expected, however, that eventually smart machines will be able to do anything any human can do — and more, faster and cheaper.[6]

So What?

One of the most important things a platform like Wayfinders can do is help members be aware of the emerging impacts of automation on their industries and occupations.  Also, Wayfinders can provide AI support as much as possible so members can continue to be competitive in their markets. Already people are taking computers and their programs for granted. Great advances have been made in virtually every line of human endeavor to leverage the power of human intellect and knowledge. Wayfinders can bring to small business the power of such tools and methods as management science (optimization), business analytics, predictive analytics, data and visual analytics, and machine learning.

The Gig and Sharing Economy

In the gig economy, more people are working short-term contracts without employee benefits, long term income stability or a shared workspace. This is not a new way to make a living, as artists, writers, performers, musicians and consultants have been doing this work for centuries. But the portion of the workforce doing this work arrangement is rapidly growing.[7]

Gigs” – short-term contracts mediated by digital platform businesses – are increasing,  and have the potential to transform the future of work in Canada and globally. The work is  precarious – meaning it is temporary, contract-based, low paid, and provides no training, health, or retirement benefits.

 Towards An Understanding Of Workers’ Experiences In The Global Gig Economy

The emergence of online employment platforms has changed the fluidity of work. Operations such as Mechanical Turk, Uber, TaskRabbit, Upwork and Fiver match short term contract work with workers locally or anywhere in the world. When you open a job competition to everyone in the world it becomes a buyer’s market. Companies can hire skilled IT workers, for example, or freelance designers and technical writers, who live in parts of the world with a very low cost of living. This work may be good for them, but it levels the going price of labour relatively uniformly around the globe. Essentially there is increasingly only one labour market for many occupations in the information economy, and those markets are controlled by the platform owners (e.g. Amazon, Uber)

There is a flip side for agile small businesses. Over time this buyer’s market should actually inspire more companies to hire contract workers, thereby adding to the demand side of the equation, and consequently driving labour costs somewhat upward. The outcome is that more innovative companies are hiring short-term workers from online platforms. They can be more agile, hiring only as needed, assuming the quality of labour is fairly consistent. Verifying credentials and using reliable rating systems become more important.

So What?

Increasingly, the line between employer and employee, or company and worker, is becoming blurred. In either role, people and their relationships are value generators. Wayfinders is to be a support system for value generators navigating the turbulent conditions of the new economy.

We are finding that there are two broad responses to the way things are shaping up in the gig economy. Some people feel more vulnerable while others see more opportunities. We have a genetic diversity of personality types. This is an advantage for our species. While some people want more normalized (standard) structures and routines, others prefer change and variety. Society as a whole gets from this some balance of productivity (efficiency) and innovation (continuous improvement). We need people who persist and others who pivot, both explore and exploit.

Regardless of its drivers, the gig economy is creating conditions more favourable to those natural entrepreneurs who like the freedom to choose and change their minds. They will enjoy a change of workplace scenery for a while and maybe get a bit bored toward the end of the term. Then they start to get excited at the next prospect. These people would not consider themselves ‘precarious workers’. Similar to reports from the world of entrepreneurs in general, however, we are unlikely to hear reports of their failures. They tend to simply fall off the radar.

Those who prefer productive routines and structures, will find the gig economy creates a lot of uncertainty and therefore anxiety. They will have difficulty adjusting to different work environments, and just when they get comfortable and fully productive, the contract comes to an end. Then they dread the prospect of the job hunt. Understandably, the demand for co-location facilities is on the rise, as people need to socialize and make longer term relationships. Eventually the gig economy will normalize.

Essentially we are seeing the breaking down of large bureaucracies. Economies of scale are changing due to new disruptive information technology platforms. Large companies have not been creating long term jobs at the rate the once did. Competition in a turbulent economy is forcing them to be more innovative and agile. Now they are outsourcing more non-core work.

We need a way to integrate diverse talented value generators into a productive and sufficiently stable, yet innovative, agile supply web. For the past couple of decades, economists have identified ‘industry clusters’ that appear to offer viable economic platforms. Alberta has an oil and gas industry cluster. Silicon Valley has an information technology cluster. A number of industrial cities have manufacturing clusters, such as the greater Toronto area. We need to be smarter about clusters.

Open Source Economy

Do the monopolistic online platforms have sufficient feedback learning loops to ensure the users’ needs are met most efficiently and effectively? Or is there an inherent constraint applied to productivity and innovation when the shareholders are not the same as the users? Maybe there is a better way to facilitate progress. Some authors and experts feel that, due to their enormous potential influences on public good and the demands for corporate responsibility, these virtual global monopolies should be operated as public utilities.

Similarly, the breakthrough commercial programs, such as MS Office, became near global monopolies while millions of programmers developed alternative applications for every problem-solution imaginable. They are collectively producing a huge surplus of useful but non-commercial software. Because it has been so competitive and difficult to commercialize software the developers offered it as shareware. This was the beginning of the sharing economy.

Then, following the precedent of the open source Linux operating system, the shared software was gradually offered as open-source. That means the lines of program code were freely given (sometimes sold) to anyone who wanted to develop it further for different applications[8]. This led to open education, open data and open government. The economy was fundamentally changing due to the fact that you can copy information infinitely without losing or depleting the original. The information economy is fundamentally different from a commodity or energy economy. New intellectual property laws were needed to protect the R&D investments.

Currently there is a bifurcation of the economy into global monopolies and corporate hierarchies on one hand and networked and collaborative open-source economies on the other.

So What?

The open-source digital world is not restricted to software. It is opening up. The open-source world has spread to open education, open data, open government and more, wherever information is involved. It includes crowd-sourcing as well. We realise that the possibilities are limitless. In my opinion, it is not only possible but necessary and inevitable (if we live long enough) that there will be a singularity of shared  human knowledge. The web has been called a global brain. If it is a global brain, then it is still a falling down toddler, finding its feet.

Global monopolies with gigantic economies of scale are gathering wealth and power and thereby polarizing and mobilizing an alternative open economy. That open economy in an open society is able to assemble an integrated intelligence in which we will all participate. We can see this emerging through Linux, Mozilla, Wikipedia, the Collective Commons and even the internet governing body itself.

Is there really any good reason why the power tools of AI should be restricted to only a few? And what stops us from crowd-sourcing AI research and development? Just the power of intent!

As a social enterprise and a co-operative, Wayfinders Business Co-operative is positioning to be an integral component of the open economy. Shareholders are the service users so the feedback learning loops can be very short and quick, allowing members to plug in and achieve their greatest value generation and get the best return on investment.

The Business Ecosystem

Supply chains have been around for ever. Supply chains roughly follow value chains. Any finished product has undergone a series of value-adding steps. Normally companies in a chain like to routinely do business with the same businesses. Constantly switching suppliers and finding new customers can be costly. The chain can take different forms[9]. If a single value generator in the supply chain adds more than one item of value, then the supply chain is shorter than the value chain. In fact, in a vertically integrated industry, one company might own most or even all parts of the value chain, from beginning to end, from rock pit to retail. They thereby reduce transaction costs and risks and can optimize the entire production chain by managing inventory volumes. The downside is that they are now locked in. They can’t easily switch to a new supplier that is offering lower costs. They risk becoming less competitive.

Fortunately, the use of management science and AI are making it possible to have very efficient and competitive smaller scale operations. In today’s information world, companies are switching suppliers more often. With business intelligence tools they are both methodical and agile in detecting a small price drop and quickly calculating the best volume and time to purchase.

When you put a number of competing jewellery manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers together in a region, such as Amsterdam or New York, you get an industry cluster. These clusters tend to be stable and efficient producers of value. There are long standing supply chain relationships, and competitors understand each others’ advantages and vulnerabilities, their market niches, and so on. Operations are normalized. They draw investment because they can produce reliable profits year after year. Skilled staff move from company to company sharing best practices as they go.

One shortcoming of cluster models of the economy is that they focus on specific industries. In reality, businesses centered in different industries can play very important roles across other industries. For example, a head hunter company can get very good at finding executives in different industries. An office supply store doesn’t care what industry you’re in. A finance company may be able to put together excellent financing deals in different industries. The experience they get in one industry can largely be transferred across industries. But the presence of these cross-sector companies is good for the health of the business ecosystem.

Another shortcoming ofthe idea of the industry cluster is that it focuses on the structure of relationships among the many companies rather than on the diversity of complementary functions. Structures are easier to see. If we think of a cluster as an ecosystem of different species each generating unique value, then we have a better model to help us guide the development of the system. Instead of waiting for evolutionary processes, we can actually engage in more conscious, deliberate planning and development of business ecosystems. “Form follows function”– we don’t care how the job gets done, as long as it gets done. We know what requirements businesses have[10].

So What?

As it turns out the best way to promote a climate for business is to build a community of trust! Business ecosystems recognize our natural social instincts and social intelligence. They accept that people cannot fully function in cyberspace alone. We need to see each other face to face in order to establish a sense of mutual understanding, trust, respect, and to create a collegial bond. Wayfinders is developing a club system to play this role. Business clubs and business networking have been around for a very long time. But now we have the opportunity to integrate the best practices from some of the best organizations.

However, the business ecosystem is also a beneficiary of cloud platform technology. Now we at Wayfinders, and others, are trying to create a business matchmaking system on a cloud platform to facilitate successful business ecosystems. We can offer productivity software as a service, crowd-sourced wisdom, crowd-funding, collaboration tools and, there is no end… to support the ecosystem!

Some new economy theorists are speculating that we are about to witness the spontaneous emergence of a new kind of economic order from the chaos. This would be not just more of the same, but something fundamentally different from what we have seen in our past. If you are not connected to some business ecosystem, you will not be able to tap into the rich support system needed for you to express your talent, achieve what you passionately aspire to, or reap the honest rewards of your potential.

In Summary

The rapid acceleration of change and the exponential growth of complexity are creating a chaotic environment for value generators. The line between employee and contractor is getting more blurry. We are facing not only the acceleration of automation, the quickening of the job cycle, the bifurcation of the economy and the growth of connective networks, but the unpredictable convergence of all these and more.  The new smart gig open ecosystem may be seen as threat or opportunity. The POV is yours, but together we can choose to make opportunities.

To address these four important and related economic trends, Wayfinders is positioning to assist people so they can:

  • identify the emerging risks of automation in their occupation or industry so they can proactively seek alternative ways of applying their talents
  • locate contract work and share in platform tools, benefits packages and collocation options
  • take more control over the development of platforms that support value generation and distribution of rewards
  • form tight-knit niches in an ecosystem of trusted colleagues, collaborators, and partners

As a co-operative, owned by its members who are also its users, Wayfinders will able to achieve economies of scale to provide services that those members alone could not afford. It will serve as a new type of organization to replace bureaucracy. One of the most important services Wayfinders could offer its members is collective wisdom and strategic planning support for decision making.


[1] Layoffs due to automation started in Detroit  in the early 1970s before foreign car competition came to North America

[2] AKA operations research

[3] With choice fatigue, more consumers use lowest price buying criteria

[4] “Open-source economics is an economic platform based on open collaboration for the production of software, services, or other products.” “Networked environment makes possible a new modality of organizing production: radically decentralized, collaborative, and non-proprietary; based on sharing resources and outputs among widely distributed, loosely connected individuals who cooperate with each other without relying on either market signals or managerial commands.”[6] From Wikipedia

[5] Official statistics don’t necessarily capture part time work, self-employment, ,underground employment, under-employment and labour force dropouts.

[6] Many second-guessers are still waiting for the tipping point at which AI outsmarts every aspect of human intelligence. Meanwhile there is substantial progress in the areas of artificial intuition and artificial emotional intelligence (guessing how people are feeling). There seems to be no human talent or skill that cannot eventually be reproduced through artificial intelligence of one form or another. After all, humans are simply biological calculators. No one has made a definitive scientific argument about the role of consciousness or “spirit” in intelligence.

[7] Towards An Understanding Of Workers’ Experiences In The Global Gig Economy, Uttam Bajwa, Lilian Knorr, Erica Di Ruggiero, Denise Gastaldo, Adam Zendel; Toronto, April 2018

[8] See GitHub, ForgeSource, RedHat, Apache, Zapier, etc.

[9] Shared risks and rewards: If everyone in an industry is using the same supplier then that supplier gets a very large economy of scale commensurate with its growing market share, and can offer the best low prices. If there is a failure at the plant, however, there is no viable backup supplier. This is a risk of a monopoly. On the other hand, to the extent that companies in a supply chain switch suppliers or customers, the supply chain gets fragmented and less efficient but more reliable. There is a trade-off.

[10] Over the past 20 years, there has been growing interest in the entrepreneurial success of Silicon Valley. Some of the movers and shakers of the successful region have produced a series of small books on how to clone the success of Silicon Valley. They call it the Rainforest innovation ecosystem approach. In essence, the business ecosystem thrives on a rich integrated diversity of personalities, talents, skills and knowledge bases.

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The Child is Alive

When my father was a young farm boy back in the 1920s the family wanted to establish a flock of domestic ducks. Next spring they got a dozen eggs from a nearby farm and switched them with eggs under a nesting chicken hen. She accepted the eggs with no hesitation. They look very similar. The little ducklings hatched, imprinted on the mother hen, and all was fine as she proudly walked them around the farm yard. That is — until she walked them toward the shore of the little lake! That’s when the ducklings scrambled directly into the water! The mother hen immediately flew into a terrible squawking fit at the sight of her babies splashing in the water!

Every personal journey really begins quite early in life. As a child growing up your parents tell you what to do. They have to. That’s their job. They train you for a certain amount of choice, obedience and self-discipline. You learn about both freedom and constraints. If they are good parents they love you and so you learn to love yourself.

Then you go to school and the teacher tells you what to do. If you want to succeed you pay attention, work to get better grades, and you’re rewarded with a feel-good. Its been said many times that our education system is designed as a factory to produce workers, not entrepreneurs, leaders or even citizens. Maybe its just easier to manage kids who all act the same. School has tended to train-out the mavericks and misfits in us and train-in the conformists. Those with strong entrepreneurial tendencies get restless in the routine of school programs. They get into trouble when they try to do something different. They may even drop out to explore the world.

If you stay in school long enough, the school program becomes your life script. It is largely written by your culture. You follow that script and maybe do a little editing along the way to make it yours.

When you graduate from formal schooling you get a job. The boss tells you what to do and, if you work hard, you get paid, sometimes promoted. You make something, or provide a service that people want, and you get a sense of pride and self-worth.

But as time wears on you may begin to think, “I know this stuff better than my boss. Why am I taking orders?”  You’re striving for mastery of your craft. You want to actualize your potential. Maybe you just need to do your own thing, unencumbered by other people’s goals, rules and restrictions. Unless you come from an entrepreneurial family, you’re unlikely to get much encouragement to do your own thing and manage your own time. If you’re going to swim, you’re on your own.

Our worldviews are shaped

Along the way you meet people who left school to do their own thing. They aren’t cut out for school, even though they’re pretty smart. They find out they aren’t cut out for the nine-to-five job either. If you watch their career path it likely goes from sales to running their own business by the time they’re 25. These people are different. They’re restless. They thrive on risks. They learn best by doing, and maybe they make a lot of bad decisions along the way. But they are also quite resilient and they do learn. They’re ducks!

These people are natural entrepreneurs. They don’t know anything else. They hate being trapped in someone else’s plan and they always have. “Don’t fence me in!” They may tend to be more outgoing, and are quite comfortable quickly reassessing a situation and changing their minds. They make up a minority of the population. But when we hear the word “entrepreneur“, this character comes to mind.

So maybe you’re not one of those natural born entrepreneurs. All your life you heeded people who told you what to do. You mastered your craft as far as you can take it. Now you’re on your own. Maybe you just had enough of that and want something new and challenging. Maybe you got laid off and you’re sick of depending on other people and letting them decide when you leave.

For the first time ever, perhaps now in mid-life, you realise you’re free to define what kind of duck you are and what you will become. You’re on a learning curve like you have never seen before. It’s something like coming of age and leaving home, something like getting married, or becoming a first time parent. You must experiment, test and learn, but where do you start?

You discover something new about yourself — you’re a wayfinder! —  and you are not alone.

2018© Randal Adcock

Chief Innovation Officer, Wayfinders Business Cooperative